

Originated: April 22, 1977
考案日 1977年4月22日
Revised: June 1, 1981 February 19, 1992 November 27, 2003
改訂日 1981年6月1日 1992年2月19日 2003年11月27日
Article I: Name and Objectives
  Section 1.The name of this society shall be known as the M.I.T. Sloan Society of Japan (hereinafter MIT-SSJ). MIT-SSJ is the official alumni society in Japan for the MIT Sloan School of Management (hereinafter SLOAN).

Section 2. The objectives of MIT-SSJ are as follows:

1) Facilitate the exchange of intellectual communication among its members and with those in other societies.
2) Develop and preserve constructive relations with SLOAN and among alumni in Japan.
3) Provide information and support to individuals desiring to or planning to attend SLOAN.
4) Support a cooperative relationship between Japanese industry and both SLOAN and MIT.



第一条 名称および目的
この会の名称はMITスローン日本同窓会(略称 MIT-SSJ)とする。MIT-SSJはMIT SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT(以下、SLOAN)の日本国における公式な同窓会組織である。


1) 会員間および他校同窓会等との間で知性に満ちた交流を深める。
2) SLOANと在日同窓生との間に建設的な関係を維持・発展させる。
3) SLOANへの入学希望者・予定者に対して情報提供などの支援を行う。
4) SLOAN並びにMITと日本の産業界等との協力関係を支援する。


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Article II: Membership Qualifications

Section 1 Membership qualifications shall be as follows:
A. Regular Members;
Graduates of SLOAN who reside or have resided in Japan. As a general rule, the effective term is indefinite.
B. Priority Members;
Individuals who pay annual dues (the amount of which shall be decided in a separate document). The effective term of such membership shall be from the first (1) of January to the thirty-first (31) of December of each applicable year. Special, established, preferential rights will be extended to Priority Members.
C. Honorary Members;
Such other persons as so appointed by the Board of Directors. As a general rule, the effective term is indefinite.

Section 2 Each member shall have the right to vote once per ballet.

Section 3 The Board of Directors may, for a specified period of time or indefinitely, suspend or terminate the membership of members who act with malice and/or inflict damage to MIT-SSJ and/or other member(s).

第二条  会員資格


(ア) 一般会員

(イ) 優待会員


第二節 各会員には一人あたり一票の投票権がある。

第三節  MIT-SSJまたは会員に悪意をもって損害を与えた者に対しては、役員会の決定により有期限・無期限に会員資格を停止することができる。

Article III: General Assembly Events

Section 1 As a general rule, General Assembly events will take place in Tokyo once per year.

A. The Board of Directors will, by electronic mail, via the society homepage, or other means, notify all members of the time and location of the General Assembly within ten (10) days of the said event.
B. The Board of Directors will report on the prior year activities and balance of funds. Approval will be based on a majority vote by those members with voting authority.
C. The Board of Directors shall gain approval of important society matters, such as the appointment of the Chairman of the Board and/or Treasurer, via a majority vote of those members with voting authority.

Section 2 The Board of Directors, in accordance with the scope of the objectives of MIT-SSJ, may hold events for which members may attend.

Section 3 The Board of Directors, in accordance with the scope of the objectives of MIT-SSJ, may call upon members for participation at events hosted by other associations.

第三条 総会等のイベント


(ア) 役員会は、総会の開催日時・場所を、開催の最低10日前までに、全会員に対して電子メール、ホームページへの掲示等により連絡する。
(イ) 役員会は、総会において過去一年間の活動内容および収支結果を報告し、投票権を有する出席会員の過半数による承認を得るものとする。
(ウ) 役員会は、会長・会計人事など会の重要事項決定にあたっては、総会にて投票権を有する出席会員の過半数による承認を得るものとする。




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Article IV: Officers
  Section 1 There will be no less than five (5) and no greater than fifteen (15) Officers who will have responsibility for the administration and management of MIT-SSJ.

Section 2 The term of office for Officers will, as a general rule, be three (3) years. Approval for the re-election of each Officer shall be determined every three (3) years at the General Assembly by a majority vote of members with voting authority.

Section 3 Members may, at any time, announce themselves and/or recommend other members as candidates for becoming an Officer. The Board of Officers shall examine each candidate’s capacity to perform the roles and responsibilities required of an Officer and decide upon the most appropriate appointments.

Section 4 The Board of Officers will nominate one of the Officers to be President of the society and as such act as the representative of the society. The nominee will be appointed as the President of the society upon a majority vote at the general assembly by members who have voting authority. The term of office for the President of the society will, as a general rule, be three (3) years.

Section 5 The Board of Officers will nominate one of the Officers to be Treasurer of the society and as such be responsible for the financial affairs of the society. The nominee will be appointed as the Treasurer of the society upon a majority vote at the general assembly by members who have voting authority. The term of office for the Treasurer of the society will, as a general rule, be three (3) years.

Section 6 In the case that the President and/or Treasurer must unavoidably retire from her and/or his position, a successor for the respective position(s) will be appointed at the Board of Officer’s meeting. The term of office for the subsequent President and/or Treasurer shall be the remainder of the term of the prior President/Treasurer whom the individual is succeeding.

Section 7 The Board of Officers may, as necessary, appoint Officers to the positions of Vice President, Secretary, or other such.
第四条 役員








Article V: Meeting of the Officers and Other Committee Meetings
  Section 1 The Officers shall hold at least one (1) Officer’s Meeting per quarter of the calendar year. The Board of Officers shall act as the executive committee of the Society and be responsible for decision-making of all general activities with the exception of those that are decided at the General Assembly; the Officers shall as such administer and manage the affairs of MIT-SSJ. Each Officer shall, as a general rule, attend all Officer’s Meetings.

Section 2 The Officers may nominate a representative (Class Liaison) for each graduate class. The Class Liaison shall assist the Officers and provide thorough communications between the Officers and respective class members.

Section 3 As necessary, the Officers may organize various committees and entrust to those committees specific administrative activities.
第5条 役員会および各種委員会

役員は四半期に一回以上、役員会(Officers Meeting)を実施する。役員会は、総会での決定事項を除く活動全般に関する意思決定・執行機関として、MIT-SSJの運営・管理を担当する。各役員は、原則として、全ての役員会に出席する。

役員会は各卒業年次の代表者(Class Liaison)を指名することができる。Class Liaisonは役員会に協力し、会員間の連絡徹底をはかる。


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Article VI: Finances
  Section 1 The financial calendar year of the Society shall be from the first (1) of January until the thirty-first (31) of December.

Section 2 As a general rule, operating funds for the Society shall be raised through annual dues (the amount of which shall be decided in a separate document) and donations.
第六条 財務
Article. VII: Revisions to the Bylaws
  Revisions to these Bylaws may be conducted and approved at the General Assembly upon a majority vote by members with voting authority.
第7条 規約の改訂
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