


Invitation to General Assembly 2002
MIT-Sloan Society of Japan

皆様にはますますご清祥のこととお喜び申し上げます。恒例となりました年次総会の開催をご案内致します。今年は会員同士でゆっくり語り合うネットワーキングを主として、Class of 2002を囲んで週末に楽しめる場所での総会と致しました。


場所:レストラン キリンビアポート 
横浜市鶴見区生麦1-17-1 キリン横浜ビアビレッジ
参加費:Sloan/MIT年会費納入者\5,000-, その他\6,000-


Dear all SSJ Members,

It is a great pleasure for us to invite you to the 2001 General Assembly. This years GA is held at Kirin Yokohama Beer Port wishing to enhance our networking. Besides the program of SSJ activity report, new membersユ introduction, The Sloan Schoolユs 50th Anniversary Convocation will be reported.

To reserve your seat, please RSVP by mail or e-mail to shin@pce.mfnet.ne.jp by November 22.

Time: 13:00-15:00 Sunday, December 8, 2002
Place: Kirin Beer Port,
1-17-1 Namamugi, Tsurumiku, Yokohama Tel: 045-506-3013
Fee: Paid Member (please see below) \5,000-, others \6,000-

At the reception we will have registration forms ready for annual dues (\2,000-) payment via automatic bank deposit. Registrants, please bring your account information and bank-registered stamp (hanko). We will distribute the latest alumni directory (PDF file) to paid members. If your data has changed, please send the return card with your updated information.
Please feel free to bring your friends and families.







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