An evening with Iraq Diplomat (Sloan Alum) 2/1/2008 Report


This was a very special event for Sloan Alums in Japan. Never in the history of Sloan Society of Japan have we had such a special and interesting guest.
We hosted an elegant dinner event with the honorable presence of--
Fareed Yasseen, MOT '92
former head of policy planning in Iraq's Ministry of Foreign Affairs 

(イラク外務省外交官)-currently senior adviser (イラク統治評議会役員)to Iraqi Deputy President Adil Abd al-Mahdiスロ−ン卒業生であるイラク統治評議会役員外交官Fareed Yasseen氏をお迎えしたディナーイベントが2/1/2008に開催されました。

Dr. Yasseen shared his incredible experience and his views with us on this occasion.
It was a sit-down dinner surrounding Dr. Yasseen with free and open dinner table discussions.

在日イラク大使 Dr. Ghanim Al-Jumaily とイラク統治評議会役員外交官Fareed Yasseen氏 を12人のMIT卒業生と3人のゲスト参加者が囲み、おいしい料理とお酒に舌鼓みを打ちながら、興味深い話に花が咲いておりました。

Date: February 1st, 2008, Friday
Place: Kameyoshi  鮮味 亀よし
Address: 1-6-13 Hiroo, Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo 渋谷区広尾1-6-13

参加者リスト →

Reporter--Maki Yoshida SM'94--






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